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Electrical Safety Tips for Households

Electrical Safety Tips for Households


Solar Panel Bird Proofing & Maintenance

Solar energy is now recognized as the most economical source of renewable energy all over the world. With more and more domestic households and commercial rooftops installing solar all over north Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, birds can be a problem. Solar panels provide warmth and shelter for a wide variety of birds, especially pigeons […]

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Can I Perform DIY Electrical Work?

Are you thinking about tinkering around with your electrical wiring or fuse? Sparc Electrical has one very important piece of advice for you: Never perform unlicensed electrical work! Working on your electrical system without having professional training or taking the proper safety measures is not only extremely dangerously but also seriously irresponsible. All electrical systems

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Do you need an Electrical Inspection?

Sparc Electrical conduct inspections to identify and rectify electrical issues in your home or business. In this blog, Sparc Electrical run through when you should have an electrical inspection completed and what they cover. Read on to find out more – it could save you money and even the lives of your loved ones. To

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Top Home Electrical Issues

Homeowners rely on their electrical systems to provide power to their properties including lights, appliances and air conditioners. However, sometimes things can go wrong with these finely tuned systems. Not only are power outages annoying, they can also be dangerous to your family members – putting them at risk of electrocution. Sparc Electrical have written

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How To Get Rid of Bad Air Con Smells

Sometimes you may notice a terrible odour coming from your split system or ducted air conditioner. Usually, foul air con smells mean that your air conditioning unit may have a problem, and potentially be putting you and your loved ones at risk. In these cases, we recommend calling Sparc Electrical on 0404 213 806 or

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New Queensland Smoke Alarm Laws

 Are you aware that the Queensland government is undertaking a three-stage rollout of new smoke alarm legislation? Given the importance of functioning smoke alarms as an early warning system to help save lives, this is a welcome change to help residents be even safer in their homes. It’s essential all Queenslanders are aware of the

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